The ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Qualifying Training Course is the most important project that we have launched.
Thanks to the co-operation with The Biz Role-Play Academy, it will be given the opportunity to the participants to build, together with the tutors, a real Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) according to the main international guidelines (UNODC, ICC, UK Bribery Act, FCPA) and to international standard ISO 37001.
In the end, in addition to the practical and real creation of an Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS), the participants will receive also the Qualification Certificate valid for the purposes of certification of «Anti-Bribery Consultant», «Anti-Bribery Auditor», «Anti-Bribery Compliance Function»(depending by personal professional skill of each of them) by a certification body that operates according to ISO 17024.
Please, download a brief presentation of our Qualifying Course.
The first edition in Rome (May, 2017) was a great success. We can organise editions worldwide and we are looking for selected and qualified partners in every countries as co-organisers.
For more detailed information, we will activate a dedicated page for each edition.